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Museum of New Art , Michigan Oct. 2017

At the Museum of New Art with Jerry Saltz, New York Magazine art critic and host of the reality show, "Work of Art". At the show we could have him critique our work but you had to get signed up for it.

As a group some of us followed him around as he critiqued, after an hour or so he said he needed a twenty minute break, so we all disbanded momentarily.

I was at the buffet having apple cider, I don't care for beer that much, my painting was behind me as it is in this picture. Jerry came up to me and asked who I was and if I had any work in the exhibit. I told him my name and I said, I've been trying to get on the list so you can critique it. He said, where is it, we'll critique it now. I said it's right behind us.

He looked at it, "The Rain Forest" and I began to explain what he was seeing. The familiar rain forest animals predators to the Toco Tucan, the native plants. He asked what I liked to paint and I told him, "I'm a painter." Of course he smiled.

We talked for quite a while and of course I gave him my business card, and he asked about the painting on it. He asked about my process and I told him, once a painting is done it comes down because I need to hang the next blank canvas, keeping the process perpetual. He said I should focus on rain forest paintings. but none the less continue painting. We took a few pictures together and got something to eat. Patience is everything, I was the only one who didn't have to get on a list to see him, and I was the only one who gave him my card

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